How to Protect Yourself and Your Money from Cyber Crime

There is more than one way to lose money. Sure, it is easy to get caught up in the market volatility, especially following recent market losses and Russia’s unexpected and precarious invasion of Ukraine. But in an increasingly digital world, the breadth of opportunities for theft and fraud in cyberspace means that cyber crime is […]
The Unique Retirement Planning Issues Women Face

I believe that there is a disconnect between the way financial planning and investment management services have historically been provided to women, and how many women prefer to receive those services. Although all women cannot all be lumped into the same basket with the same needs, there are quite a few headwinds that many of […]
Roth vs Traditional: How to Choose the Right Individual Retirement Account

When it comes to retirement investment choices, there are several options that may or may not be available to you – depending on income and employment status. For the most part though, US citizens have the option to invest in one of two different types of Individual Retirement Accounts: a Roth or a Traditional. The […]
Navigating Life Changes: How to Deal with the Death of a Loved One

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult and life-changing events that we will ever go through. And as awful as it is to consider, it will happen to all of us at some point in our lives. Though no one likes to even think about death, yet alone talk about it, preparation […]
Navigating Life Changes: How to Deal with Divorce

Enduring a divorce is one of life’s most stressful events, regardless of the length of the marriage or how amicable the separation might be. Having to deal with the intricacies of a divorce settlement can feel absolutely impossible, especially when negotiating the mental upheaval as well. But as difficult as it may be amidst complicated […]
Navigating Life Changes: How to Plan for Marital Finances

There is A LOT that goes into planning a marriage… It’s about so much more than just the wedding day itself. Having just gotten married almost a year ago, I’m all too familiar with the many pieces of the puzzle – and the emotions these can bring to the surface, both positive and negative. Money […]
12 Lessons Learned from 12 Months of Being a Financial Business Owner

This month marks the one-year anniversary of launching my financial planning firm, Abeona Wealth. A year ago it seemed like a pretty crazy thing to start a new business in the midst of a global pandemic. But as I’m sure many of you can agree, viewing the world through the lens of a changed world […]
Navigating Life Changes: How to Successfully Prepare to Change Jobs

Changing jobs is a life change we will most likely all navigate at least once over the course of our careers. Today, young professionals make many more job changes than previous generations, where it was commonplace to stay at the same company for all or most of their career. Choosing to make career transitions are […]
Important Things Every Woman Should Know About Your 401(k)

Many employers offer retirement savings plans for their employees as an incentive to work there. A job that offers a retirement savings plan is a massive benefit to help you prepare for retirement. Even if the choices and regulations seem overwhelming, it is important to start somewhere. The most common type of employer-sponsored retirement plan […]
How to Mitigate Taxes Under Biden’s Proposed Tax Law Changes

Despite being in one of the lowest tax environments in history, I think it is safe to say that most Americans want to reduce their tax liability where they can and pay only what they owe. President Biden proposed sweeping tax law changes to tax rates and codes in April 2021 through the American Families […]