Sandwich Generation Webinar Recording: Between a Breadwinner and a Caregiver
Many middle-aged adults find themselves helping a parent and raising children. In this recorded webinar done in partnership with the UAB National Alumni Assocation, we discover how to handle the needs for aging parents during a life stage with many important roles. The sandwich generation refers to those in their forties and fifties who are […]
Father’s Day Financial Literacy: Talk to Your Kids About Money
When we think about the important lessons that parenting needs to encompass, the imparting of financial literacy is not always widely considered, or is often shied away from due to lack of knowledge or confidence. Yet the need for raising financially astute humans is global and timeless. With Father’s Day fast approaching, many of us […]
Mary Meadows Appears on Talk of Alabama
Mary Meadows was invited to ABC 3340 during Women’s History Month 2023 to share with viewers of Talk of Alabama. She spoke about why she started Abeona Wealth in the midst of the pandemic. Mary Meadows talks about her clients’ experience and why all need to engage with their financial plan often and early. Click […]
What Is Diversification and What Are Its Benefits?
As an investor, you have certainly heard the term “diversification,” and you’ve probably heard that you should have a diversified investment portfolio. But what does that actually mean in practice? What does it not mean? At its most simple, diversification is not putting all of your eggs in one basket. It is an investment strategy […]
10 Ways the Secure Act 2.0 Could Boost Your Retirement Plan
Three years after The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was first enacted, Congress has now passed the Secure Act 2.0. Signed into law by President Biden just before the end of the year, it brings positive changes to the U.S. retirement system designed to help Americans save more for retirement. The […]
What Is Wealth Management and Why Is It Important?
You’re at a dinner party, you’re meeting new people. Then one of the first questions you’re asked is, “So what do you do?” It’s a familiar scene for all of us. It can be an easy icebreaker, but if you’re in an industry like mine, the answer can be a little more complicated. The financial […]
What I Learned at the 2022 Invest in Women Conference
I recently attended FA Magazine’s Invest in Women conference, a gathering of financial professionals from around the country who are committed to learning and exploring topics that specifically affect women. I launched Abeona Wealth with the goal of helping women reach their financial goals and reducing the gender wealth gap. Attending conferences, reading current articles […]
Inflation Explained: What Is It and What Should You Do About It?
I imagine that you are both tired of hearing about inflation, while simultaneously wanting to know what is going on and how best to navigate it. The runaway inflation of the past year has definitely not been “transitory,” and is impacting many areas of our lives. If it feels like your dollar doesn’t go quite […]
Planning for Long-Term Care Part 2: The Economic Impact
Health matters, including long-term care, can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement. When the average American retires with $172,000, most retirement nest eggs just won’t come close to meeting those bills. This means that, regardless of how you decide to deal with the risk of long-term care costs, you need to have a […]
Planning for Long-Term Care Part 1: The Personal Impact
Did you know that 70% of Americans over the age of 65 will need long-term care? That’s a pretty astounding figure, and highlights just how important it is for us all to consider the possibility of extended care later in life – both for ourselves, and increasingly, for aging parents. It’s a sad fact that […]